Industrie Polieco MPB

Where we are - contacts
Map of Industrie Polieco

Via E. Mattei, 49
25046 Cazzago S.Martino (Brescia) - Italy
Phone: +39 030 7241521 r.a.
Fax: +39 030 7721928

Contact person:
Loredana Pernici
Commercial & Marketing Director
Mobile: +39 3356173889
Skype: LP.1962

Map of Agents and Distributors

This map shows all our exclusive Agents & Distributors worldwide.
MPB's Staff will be delighted to take care directly from Head Office of those Customers located in areas where no Agent nor Distributor have been appointed (see contacts aside or fill up the contact form).

Contact Form

We will not leave any stone unturned to grant you the best service!
Fill up our contact form, we will take care of you.

Immagine Industrie Polieco